Displaying items by tag: abortion

Friday, 30 March 2018 00:28

Ireland: referendum on legalising abortion

The overwhelmingly Catholic Republic of Ireland will hold a referendum on 25 May on whether or not to alter its constitution to legalise abortion. The move follows the recent Irish Senate vote in favour of holding the poll by a wide margin. Last year prime minister Leo Varadkar won leadership of the governing centre-right Fine Gael party after campaigning on same-sex marriage and liberalising abortion laws.

Published in Europe
Friday, 02 March 2018 10:26

Global: the silent Holocaust

Worldwide, there are approximately 42 milion victims of abortion each year. That's more people than the entire population of Iraq being killed. Abortion is not confined to one region or people group. It is a global tragedy, with roughly 83% of all abortions taking place in developing countries and 17% in the developed world. That is why it is called the silent Holocaust. 40 Days for Life continues until 25 March. This is a unified time of prayer and fasting for God's mercy, healing, and restoration - that He would bring an end to abortion. Multitudes around the world are crying out to God for an end to the shedding of innocent blood. Prayer Alert readers are invited to cry out to God for the lives of those not yet born to have a future and a hope.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 02 February 2018 09:17

Synod: Down's Syndrome abortions

CofE leaders are concerned that a growing number of parents who discover their child will be born with Down’s Syndrome are choosing to terminate the pregnancy, a pattern which could see such children wiped out completely. The General Synod next week will debate a call to regulate providers of non-invasive prenatal testing, a relatively new test for the condition which carries no risk of miscarriage, unlike older procedures. The Church said that women should be provided with ‘comprehensive, unbiased information’ by doctors and test providers. In a document entitled Valuing People with Down’s Syndrome, the Church warned that the test might lead to major reductions of Down’s Syndrome live births. Iceland and Denmark have screening and almost 100% termination rates. Currently there are unregulated websites offering a blood test for a few hundred pounds, with no context or information about the prospects for someone with Down's Syndrome. See also

Published in British Isles
Friday, 02 February 2018 08:58

Irish referendum on abortion by end of May

Abortions are illegal in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. There is a new wave of youth-driven campaigning on both sides of the abortion argument, which will come to a head over the next few months now that the Irish government has confirmed it will hold a referendum on reform of the country’s strict anti-abortion laws by the end of May.

Published in Europe

While everyone was preoccupied celebrating the New Year, Planned Parenthood hoped nobody would notice that they released their 2016-2017 annual report to little fanfare.

Planned Parenthood committed 321,384 abortions last year alone – nearly identical to the number of lives they ended through abortion each of the previous two years.

Not only that, but Planned Parenthood raked in $1.46 Billion in revenue including over $543 million from U.S. taxpayers.

Despite the fact that Americans elected a pro-life Congress and president who pledged to defund Planned Parenthood, you and I are still being forced to funnel our money to the nation’s largest abortion vendor.

But there’s one more thing that scares me about this annual report.

It’s that Planned Parenthood states they received nearly $87 million more in “Private Contribution & Bequests” from their previous report – a whopping 20% increase!

After Congress’ failure to live up to their promises to defund Planned Parenthood, the abortion lobby now believes the political winds are shifting in their favor.

So it’s more important than ever that we double down on our efforts in 2018.

Pray: Ephesians 6:12 into the fight to end abortion. Let’s call upon God to grant us powerful prayers over the evil of abortion.

Pray: positive impact and success for Students for Life of America and other campaigners and advocates – that God’s will is done through their efforts.

For Life,

Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life of America
Students for Life of America
4755 Jefferson Davis Highway
Fredericksburg, VA 22408

Tagged under
Friday, 26 January 2018 09:43

Protests outside abortion clinics

Ealing Council may install buffer zones outside a Marie Stopes abortion clinic to ban the presence of pro-life protesters within 150 metres. It would prohibit silent praying, singing hymns, displaying foetus images and distributing leaflets. Only after twenty years of activity outside the clinic has the council considered them a threat. Pro-lifers have never altered their tactics or adopted any aggressive policies. They organise the prayer vigils and provide counselling for pregnant women in crisis. They repeatedly asked Ealing councillors to meet and listen to women who have been helped by their pavement counsellors; their offers were ignored. Video footage of ‘intimidating protesters’ simply shows three people at prayer opposite the clinic. Meanwhile on 24 January Manchester council voted to ‘take all necessary actions within its powers’ to stop what it said was protesters’ harassment of women using their abortion clinics. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 November 2017 11:27

Global: 42,000,000 abortions a year

42 million people is more than the entire population of Iraq. Abortion is not just confined to one region or people group. It is a global tragedy, with roughly 83% of all abortions taking place in developing countries and 17% in the developed world. It is being called the silent Holocaust. This year’s ‘40 Days for Life’ campaign finishes on Sunday 5 November.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 27 October 2017 11:01

NI supreme court examines abortion law appeal

Northern Ireland's’ supreme court judges are considering whether abortion laws breach human rights. Currently abortion is illegal unless a woman's life is in danger or if continuing the pregnancy would cause mental or physical harm. On 25 and 26 October a number of contributors explained why they believe the law is incompatible with human rights, while others explained their opposition to any law changes. Ireland's attorney general and lawyers for the department of justice argued for the status quo. Christian politician Jim Shannon said democratic values must be upheld, amid supreme court scrutiny of the abortion laws; and the majority of people in Northern Ireland support current laws. See also the next article.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 27 October 2017 10:57

Archbishops speak out on abortion

In a statement to healthcare professionals and others involved in terminations, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, and his Scottish counterpart Archbishop Philip Tartaglia called for a change of attitudes, in favour of greater protection for human life. Over eight million pregnancies have been aborted since David Steel's private member's bill became law fifty years ago. Urging a period of prayer and fasting, the 2,000-word document signed by the Catholic leaders also expressed concern that there are not enough safeguards protecting unborn children with disabilities. They said there was an urgent need for parents and teachers to promote the sanctity of human life. See the previous article.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 06 October 2017 08:57

Iceland wants to eliminate Down’s syndrome

The only Baptist pastor in Rekjavik doesn’t want Down's syndrome eliminated. ‘My family has spent a lot of time at the hospital. For over a year our five-year-old son has been undergoing chemotherapy for leukaemia. Our youngest son, born this April, also spent two months at the hospital as doctors ran tests on him, finding a genetic mutation in his X chromosome that only two other people in the world have been diagnosed with. Every day, as I walked into the intensive care unit at the hospital, I looked over a wall of pictures of young children and teenagers holding up photos of themselves as premature babies. They were born after as little as 21 or 22 weeks of pregnancy.’ Meanwhile, there is talk of new legislation which would make abortion available in the 22nd week of pregnancy. Recently this issue took the internet by storm, with a report on how the country (population 340,000) is on the verge of eliminating Down’s syndrome.

Published in Europe
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