Displaying items by tag: elections

Friday, 02 March 2018 10:34

Egypt: preparations for elections

Recently the Egyptian army and police launched a comprehensive anti-terrorism operation in the Sinai peninsula ahead of the 26-28 March elections in which President al-Sisi will be running for a second term. A spokesman said intelligence information revealed that extremist groups were planning to carry out terrorist attacks across Egypt during the election, to erode citizens’ trust in the state’s ability to secure the country and to prevent them from casting their votes. Armed groups are concentrated in three cities, Rafah, Sheikh Zuweid and el-Arish, deep in the desert. Classes have been indefinitely suspended in all schools in the area. The roads linking north Sinai to the other governorates and the governorate cities to each other were closed, forcing residents to stay at home and making it difficult for university students to travel.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 23 February 2018 10:04

Iraq: corruption and elections

Vice-president Nouri al-Maliki wants to regain the premiership he lost in 2014, and many believe he is leveraging his influence over the judicial process to marginalise political rivals ahead of the elections on 12 May. Iraq’s savvy and powerful politicians are using judicial, legislative, and procedural means to disqualify their opponents or break up opposing coalitions, especially after candidate lists were filed on 10 February. Such disqualifications undermine the legitimacy of the Iraqi government in ways that accelerate insurgency and negate the military gains the US has made against IS in Iraq. Meanwhile Islamic leaders slander Christians in mosques, leading to further persecution. Government officials, both national and local, have threatened Christians, ‘encouraging’ them to leave the country. Political parties who hinder pluralism also contribute to the persecution of Christians in the public space. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 02 February 2018 09:02

Intercessor Focus: Russian elections

In 2017 anti-Putin rallies attracted thousands in remote regions where people opposed Kremlin-run politics and called for credible opposition to be allowed to stand in elections. Alexei Navalny planned to face President Putin in March’s Presidential election, but was banned after dubious fraud accusations. On 28 January he was freed from a twenty-day jail term for organising anti-Putin protests, but was re-arrested the same day. Thousands protested against government corruption outside the Kremlin and across Russia, calling the election a farce and urging people not to vote. Kremlin-controlled media are not covering the protests. Putin is expected to win, but his main concern is getting enough people voting to make the election appear credible. For INSIGHTS into unethical, corrupt elections due in 2018 click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Europe

Islamist parties in Iraq are shedding their religious platforms to focus on reform in the campaign for upcoming elections in May, and are also allying with secular parties. Out of 200+ Islamist parties registered with the independent electoral commission, only ten have names explicitly invoking Islam. This development clearly shows the overall decline in Islamic movements, both Shiite and Sunni, compared with previous elections in which Islamist parties accounted for more than half of the registered groups. Many Iraqis blame political Islam for the tragedies and corruption plaguing their country, as Islamists have held the reins of power since 2005. At present Shiite political power influences state institutions and there is ongoing support from Iran, so we need to pray for God’s intervention in the elections.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 21 December 2017 14:16

Egypt: 2018 election

Ever since former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq said he would run in the 2018 presidential election, many are speculating about his ability to win. Egypt’s religious institutions influence presidential candidates, and journalists supporting President al-Sisi have focused on the ties that Shafiq has with the Salafist Dawa Party and its political arm. The Salafi movement is ultra-conservative Sunni Islam. If Shafiq mobilises the only remaining influential religious blocs of Salafist Dawa and the Copts, his candidacy in the upcoming election might produce a repeat of 2012, when two strong candidates, Shafiq and Morsi, competed against each other. In those elections the Copts supported Shafiq out of fear that Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood would win. It is difficult for the largest Coptic bloc not to vote for al-Sisi, who they believe has protected them by overthrowing the Muslim Brotherhood.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 19 May 2017 12:38

Albania: one-sided election

Albania’s main religion is Islam. In the 1990s the country ended 46 years of communism and established a multiparty democracy. Successive governments have coped with high unemployment, corruption, organised crime networks, and shady political opponents and progressed with political and economic reforms, taking the first steps towards joining the EU. Albania is still one of the poorest countries in Europe, hampered by a large informal economy and inadequate energy and transportation infrastructures. The elections were held without any centre-right opposition. On 5 May Macedonia's parliament speaker asked President Tomislav Nikolić to recognise a majority of Social Democrats and ethnic Albanian members of parliament so they could form a new government, but he refused. Germany and the USA will recognise the election outcome even without the opposition’s participation. See

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Wednesday, 17 May 2017 15:52

UK General Election 2017

Every election is important and we believe that this next government will be strategic in this season when we are praying and working towards a time of harvest. Across the United Kingdom we are seeing significant numbers of people coming to Christ, a growing unity between churches and organisations and people of other faiths are having visions of Jesus. But we live in nations where there is growing uncertainty, with significant rises in mental health issues, homelessness, addiction, poverty and broken families.

Every election is contested spiritually and this is no exception, Satan will be resolute in resisting God’s sovereign purpose. It is time to pray that our extraordinary, merciful Father will touch our nations. Paul reminds us that it is God’s plan to have the right people in authority to enable people to be saved (1Timothy 2:1-4).

• Let’s seek the Lord and His word afresh, asking the Holy Spirit to replace fear with His peace. Let us come and worship, lifting up the name of Jesus and humbly ask for His mercy and blessing on the election debate, coverage and our personal voting decision.
• Let’s ask for His wisdom to engage with the issues He places on our hearts, let’s expect Him to lead and guide us.

MAY 25: PROTECTION - Over the whole General Election campaign and from terrorist and cyber -attacks; Wisdom for police and security forces.

MAY 26: PRAYER – For many Christians to respond to the invitation to pray during Thy Kingdom to Come.

MAY 27: PURPOSES OF GOD – So that the Government of His choice is elected to allow the Kingdom of God to advance.

MAY 28: MEDIA – Insight for all working in the media to expose false news and manipulation.

MAY 29: CAMPAIGN – For the debate and discussion to give a clear focus on what is on God’s heart locally and nationally.

MAY 30: LEADERS OF THE POLITICAL PARTIES – For discernment in campaigning; for Theresa May in her leadership between parliaments.

MAY 31: UNITY OF PURPOSE – Even when we disagree on policies in families, churches, communities and between the UK nations.

JUNE 1: RELEASE OF YOUNG PEOPLE - To engage in the debate and to realise their vote counts.

JUNE 2: PROTECTION – For all involved in election campaigning, Lord have mercy on our UK nations.
JUNE 3: LOCAL AND NATIONAL ELECTION MEETINGS – For clarity to come out of any confusion and for truth to be heard.

JUNE 4: COME HOLY SPIRIT – Blow through Your church, blow through our nations – may Jesus be revealed.

JUNE 5: GUIDE AND GUARD - the steps to ‘Brexit’; bring healing and reconciliation across our nations and across Europe.

JUNE 6: CANDIDATES – For the MP’s elected whom God has chosen, equipped and anointed.

JUNE 7: DISCERNMENT- In voting for just and righteous parliament in Westminster.

JUNE 8: YOUR KINGDOM COME - In and through this General Election.

JUNE 9: WISDOM - As a new government is put in place.

JUNE 10: PEACE - On our streets, across all UK nations.

JUNE 11: BLESS EVERY CHURCH - May the love of Jesus be seen and heard today.

JUNE 12: HOLY SPIRIT COME - Awaken our land, may we see Your glory flow from here to the nations.



engaGE17 – CARE website and prayer points - engage17.org.uk
What kind of society? Evangelical Alliance – election.eauk.org
Christians in Politics – christiansinpolitics.org.uk

 Download a PDF of this guide



We declare in the season ahead a legacy of Godly government will be re- established in our Nation.

According to Your word in Psalm 145:4” One generation shall declare Your works to another”, we decree and declare a fresh awareness to Your young people of the Godly heritage within our political system, of the Biblical foundations under it and of the principles released through it.

We decree and declare young people in our Nation, towns, churches and families will have an understanding of the times and seasons, and of the power of choice. We speak maturity to them in their political awareness, engagement and voting.

In the Name of Jesus, we declare an increased rising up of those who will pioneer and stand for Godly principles and for the good of the people, and we speak favour and divine revelatory wisdom to those already positioned.

N B Find out the candidates for the coming election within your own constituency, pray for a clarity of their values and purpose to emerge, and that the person God has called for this Parliamentary term to become clear..

Source: Passion for the Nation

Published in WPC News
Friday, 28 April 2017 02:46

Election: political parties select candidates

Political parties need to get candidates in place before the deadline of 11 May. Any British, Irish or eligible Commonwealth citizen over 18 with £500 deposit can stand. Pray for God’s guidance for committees in the constituencies as they select candidates. Proverbs 22:29 says, ‘Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings, he will not stand before unknown men.’ Pray for men and women to be chosen who excel in their work. All of Labour’s 229 MPs were automatically re-selected, but 12 opted to stand down. Conservatives short-listed candidates for target seats without inviting applications: four MPs stood down. Liberal Democrats hope to have candidates in all seats by next week. UKIP’s selection process has begun; they hope to have candidates nationwide. Pray that there will be no manipulation or inappropriate ‘deals’ affecting choice in the 650 seats.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 28 April 2017 02:22

Global: elections in six countries in May

The UK is not the only country preparing for an election. On 4 May, Algeria’s parliamentary poll will be the first since the legislature adopted landmark constitutional reforms last year. France’s second round of voting, on 7 May, could trigger colossal changes in European politics. South Korea, in the world's most volatile region, has a presidential election on 9 May following the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye. Politics in the Bahamas is expected to become nastier, dirtier, and crazier ahead of the election on 10 May, after questions over lucrative brokerage, trucking, and limousine contracts. On 19 May Iranians go to the polls (see below), and on 24 May the Cayman Islands will be voting. Many of these nations desperately need change. When people pray, God answers; may He bring judgment and promotion where he deems it should be in the coming months.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 28 April 2017 02:17

Iran: election on 19 May

Ethnic Persians are born Muslim. It is illegal to run Christian activities in Farsi, the national language. Despite this, Christians from a Muslim background make up the largest group of Christians in Iran. A few years ago International Freedom of Religion or Belief reported, ‘There was cautious optimism when Hassan Rouhani became president that his influence would soften harsh policies toward religious and ethnic minorities. Sadly, his moderate language has not translated into any meaningful improvement.’ Since he is aiming for another term in office, many believe that next month’s elections pose an ultimate vote of confidence. Pray for political changes in Iran that will allow for freedom of religion. A Persian who leaves Islam can be sentenced to death if male, and life imprisonment if female. For many Muslim families, it is a disgrace when a family member converts. Pray for protection and provision for Christians who have been cursed and disowned by their families. See also:

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