
Displaying items by tag: Caribbean

Thursday, 15 April 2021 21:40

Haiti: seven clergy held for ransom

Kidnappings for ransom have surged as gangs gain influence amid a political crisis. Seven Catholic clergy, five Haitian and two French, have been kidnapped. The five priests and two nuns were abducted in a commune northeast of Port-au-Prince, while they were on their way to the installation of a new parish priest. The kidnappers demanded $1m ransom for them. The Haitian Conference of Believers said three other people had been kidnapped at the same time. Authorities suspect an armed gang called ‘400 Mawozo’ which kidnaps for ransom. Armed gangs have increased as the nation is rocked by political unrest. Gang violence and political instability has drawn protesters onto the streets at the subhuman situation where the political leaders cling to power, but are increasingly powerless.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 March 2021 21:32

Dominican Republic: IJM’s major milestone

Praise God that the International Justice Mission (IJM) has signed its first collaborative agreement with the business sector in the Dominican Republic. IJM and Aerodom, the largest network of airports in the country, are joining forces to bring an end to sex trafficking. They are launching awareness campaigns in the air terminals, equipping their staff to recognise the signs of trafficking, and establish additional protocols to report these crimes to local authorities.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 February 2021 21:15

Aruba: challenges for prayer

Unity among believers is a key issue for the diverse churches in Aruba. Division can undermine any numerical growth of believers. The greatest threat to this unity is the importation of alien theology, church culture and preaching style common among the televangelists and prosperity preachers seen on foreign Christian TV. Praise God for increased fellowship and cooperation among pastors, enabling evangelicals to present a united front and impact society on issues such as homosexual marriage legislation, teen drug addiction, and the high rate of illegitimate births (about 50%). There are three Christian radio stations: Radio Victoria (originally TEAM) and two others broadcast to Aruba and the Venezuelan coast. TWR broadcasts to Bonaire on its FM station and internationally through shortwave and the Internet. The gospel is also proclaimed on programmes that appear on secular radio and TV.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 17 September 2020 22:11

Haiti: teachers on strike

Teachers in Haiti have refused to return to classrooms, even taking to the streets to protest a lack of pay and safe working conditions. This was already a problem and the pandemic made it worse. Haiti runs in cycles. Their government gets money. Sometimes it doles it out and sometimes it doesn’t. When it doesn’t, police work for months without payment. Teachers can work for the entire school year without payment. Theft has become an expected part of the culture. Haiti with Love has been sharing the Gospel with parents who bring in their children for burn treatment. People are very open to listening when they realise that the reason people are helping their babies is the love of Christ. They ask, ‘Who is this Christ who provides all of this help? Tell me about him.’ Pray for the Burn Clinic, and also for Pilgrim House which provides homes for homeless people.

Published in Worldwide

In Central America, people will struggle to eat in today’s lockdown; unable to provide for themselves and their families with food banks closed due to pandemic lockdowns. Pray for God to support those who are providing aid to families in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and other vulnerable countries. India has a social stigma around the ‘unclean’ disease, so individuals returning from isolation are treated as outcasts. To avoid being labelled and discriminated against people hide the illness, avoid tests and delay hospitalisation, with fatal consequences. Pray for this ‘unclean pandemic caste’ to be helped and healed not shunned. Africa’s virus is spreading rapidly. Rural areas in Tanzania have no food, and people like the cattle people in Kajiado (who depend on livestock markets) suffer because all markets are closed. Meanwhile, some Caribbean islands are now reopening for tourism with strict public health protocols. Pray for safe ‘sun, sea, sand and social distancing.’

Published in Worldwide

The following request was received through Maria Harbajan, IPC's Regional Director for the Caribbean:

1. URGENT Pray for Curacao.

Curacao is a Lesser Antilles island country in the southern Caribbean Sea about 65 km (40 mi) north of the Venezuelan coast.

The Nation has been under siege from within.

It began with mass demonstrations versus the Government over economic issues. They stormed the City and broke into the Government buildings. It has escalated with criminal elements now burning buildings all across the nation, attacking security facilities and threatening government officers.

Dutch troops were sent into the island to assist local police in keeping unrest in check, broadcaster NOS stated on Saturday. The move follows days of violent protests against Covid-19 layoffs which saw demonstrators looting stores and storming the government palace on the island.

The addition of Dutch troops to the island is expected to allow local authorities ease the 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m curfew it has held in place in recent days. A reporter for the broadcaster said that there were dozens of fires set leading into the early morning hours of Saturday, and that the authorities seemed to have a difficult time preventing them from happening.

Unrest on the island was ignited on Wednesday after the local government announced that a number of garbage collectors on the island would be laid off. Protests ensued, which quickly turned into riots that culminated in the storming of the government center Fort Amsterdam on the island's capital city, Willemstad. In addition, large numbers of storefronts in Willemstad were looted, with fires being reported across the island.

A total of 48 people were arrested on Wednesday alone, many of whom were young people suspected of theft and vandalism. According to the local authorities, a number of gangs also took advantage of the chaos in order to run roughshod.

There was concern that the presence of the Dutch military might make matters worse with the imagery reminiscent of the island's history as a Dutch colony.

The Prime Minister has summoned a meeting with Pastor Bakhuis and the Council of Churches to meet with him.

Let's be in prayer that calm can be restored and financial assistance can be brokered for those whose livelihoods have been adversely affected by the pandemic.

Pray also for the over-stretched medical staff on the island as they handle the covid-19 situation.


2. Update on Guyana:

Beloved , Guyana now awaits judgement at the level of the Caribbean Court of Justice concerning the March 2 Elections results which are still pending.

The hearing will be on July 1st. Of course, we are looking to The Righteous Judge of all the Earth for His judgement. The stakes are great. The warfare Intense, lots of propaganda & misinformation. 

We would greatly appreciate your prayer. Both major political parties have grieved the Lord. But God's will & purpose for us, a Church which has failed Him in many ways, is the important factor. We plead for His mercy.

3. Event: 'Intercessors at the Summit... Soaring like Eagles'

We have an Upcoming Intercessors Camp 2020 which is going ONLINE using Zoom.   The theme will be: "Intercessors at the Summit...Soaring Like Eagles."   Date: July 31 - Aug 1 2020 starting each day at 9am (Jamaican time).

More info will be available shortly at

The secretariat of the Caribbean Prayer Summit were encouraged by the participation of delegates from across the region in their fourth summit, which took place online due to the pandemic. 

The theme was “A United Caribbean Church …a Regional Revival”.

The session recordings can be viewed online now at our website at

We will be circulating a report containing current prayer needs from the Caribbean nations shortly.  Please contact us by email for further information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Any gifts towards the overheads of the event can be made using the info online at:

Sharon Hermitt/Secretary (for)

Rev. Maria Harbajan

CPS Convener/Member, CPS Secretariat

Member, International Prayer Council

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On Friday 22 May & Saturday 23 May, the International Prayer Council’s regional representatives based in Jamaica will host their fourth Caribbean Prayer Summit Online.

It will consist of two days of prayer, worship and intercession led by representatives from across the region.

IPC family from around the world are invited to join the event online at which our Executive Coordinator, Dr Jason Hubbard will be taking part.

It will be streaming on the event’s Facebook page at and from YouTube at

Kindly note that the Summit is free of cost, and is open to anyone who shares a burden for their country, and wants to join us in petitioning the Lord.  Gifts can be sowed in here.

Visit the website for full details at or contact Maria Harbajan, the Convener on 876-398-2299 if you have any queries.

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Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:11

Caribbean Prayer Summit – Online 22-23 May

Greetings from the secretariat of the Caribbean Prayer Summit.  We are excited about hosting the 4th Caribbean Prayer Summit (CPS) on May 22-23, 2020 which will now be ONLINE under the theme “A United Caribbean Church …a Regional Revival”.

Since its inception the CPS has been convened in Barbados (2007), Suriname (2008) and Jamaica 2009. The CPS was initiated by the International Prayer Council through Rev Maria Harbajan, their Caribbean Coordinator and Representative.

We believe that intercessory prayer changes things and in light of the myriad of issues facing the region at this time, including the challenges facing CARICOM, the CPS aims to target Intercessory Prayer leaders throughout the region and beyond with the following objectives:-

  • To provide a forum for the networking of Intercessory Prayer leaders across the Caribbean – no island is to stand alone in its spiritual war
  • Strategic planning for the setting up of National Prayer Networks on islands where there might not be any in place – every island needs one
  • To have the island representatives present the most critical needs of their nation and have the regional gathering uphold them/their nation in corporate intercession and spiritual warfare – together we will win the war
  • Development of links, networks, and initiatives in the region; exposing what already exists – exposing opportunities available for training; impartation.
  • Prayers for healing of the nations in the wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
  • To encourage the Caribbean youth and children to become more involved in intercession – raising up Millennials to be powerful and effective in prayer. (Special online program sessions – see website)
  • To introduce the concept of a day of National Repentance to be presented to Governments and assist in having it executed in all the islands of the region.

We would be happy to have you join us ONLINE for this historic occasion. Please view this as our invitation to you and/or at least one other Intercessor who could represent your nation at the Summit.

How to Register

To register you may visit our website at – which will be online shortly or contact the Secretariat by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alternatively, you may call (876) 398-2299 between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.  Also, we will be creating a WhatsApp group for the flow of continuous information to all our delegates and to facilitate questions and answers (Q & A) that will benefit all who will be in attendance. Please let us know if you do not wish to be added to such a group.

Sharon Hermitt/Secretary (for)

Rev. Maria Harbajan

CPS Convener/Member, CPS Secretariat

Member, International Prayer Council

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Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:02

April 2020 Calendar

2020 a year of evangelism across the UK

South East Asia Prayer Council – 12 Nights – to 5 April

Watchmen: Passover Holy Alignment – 7 April

Watchmen: Perfume of Nations - Online 7-9 April

Go 2020 – Reaching 1 Billion for Christ - May 2020 |    

10 days Spring - May 21- 31

Caribbean Prayer Summit – Online, 22-23 May

One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020

17th SEA PRAYER Council in Hanoi, Vietnam - 6-9 October

National Prayer Assembly (USA), Washington, D.C., October 14-15

Movement for African National Initiatives – Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 8-12 March 2021

URIconCCUPRising Events Calendar

UPRISING EUROPE (Battle, UK) – July 6-10, 2020 (TBC)
FB: Uprising Europe
IG: @uprisingeurope

UPRISING AUSTRALIA (Sydney, Australia) --  July 14-18, 2020
FB: UPRising Australia
IG: @uprising.australia

UPRISING Chile – November 2020 (Date TBA)

UPRISING NEW ENGLAND (New England, USA)--  Nov 19-21, 2020
FB: United Prayer Rising - New England

GLOBAL UPRISING Manila, Philippines, Nov 2021

  • UPRISING MINDANAO (Mindanao, Philippines)-- dates TBA
  • UPRISING BUKIDNON (Northern Mindanao)
  • UPRISING CARAGA (Butuan, Bislig, and Surigao)
  • UPRISING DIGOS (Davao Del Sur)
  • UPRISING CENTRAL MINDANAO (South Cotabato, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, and General Santos)

FB: United Prayer Rising Mindanao
FB: United Prayer Rising North Mindanao
IG: @uprisingmindanao   

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