
Displaying items by tag: Europe

It snowed in southern Albania for the first time in 32 years. The homeless are dying. Most rural areas are cut off by snow. There are temporary power and water outages and army helicopters are distributing aid in mountain areas. Shipping along Europe’s second-longest waterway is suspended as freezing conditions grip the continent, causing hardship among migrants, homeless and elderly.  On Tuesday the death toll was 61, one-third in Poland. Icy conditions in Serbia claimed two lives. Refugees are at risk in Greece. Three people died in the past three days in Macedonia from temperatures of -20C. A 68-year-old homeless man froze to death in the capital, Skopje, while a 60-year-old man died in front of his home in Strumica. Authorities urged homeless people to go to shelters and local schools, which are taking them in during the cold spell. Elsewhere roofs are collapsing and schools are closed.

Published in Europe
Saturday, 07 January 2017 03:08

EU ambassador’s surprise resignation

Sir Ivan Rogers, the British representative to the EU, has resigned from his position without warning, following disagreements with Theresa May’s team. His resignation leaves the Prime Minister without a senior experienced European negotiator, only weeks before Brexit talks are due to begin. One of the country’s most senior retired civil servants, Lord Macpherson, said that this sudden decision highlighted the Government’s ‘wilful and total’ destruction of its EU expertise. In a farewell message Sir Ivan, who had been criticised for being pessimistic about Britain’s future outside the EU, called on the staff of Britain’s mission in Brussels to ‘continue to challenge ill-founded arguments and muddled thinking’. The Government has acted swiftly to deal with the crisis by appointing Sir Tim Barrow (former ambassador to Russia) as Sir Ivan’s successor. See:

Published in British Isles
Saturday, 07 January 2017 03:06

First BAME bishop for 20 years

One month after a large group of black and minority-ethnic (BAME) clergy wrote a letter criticising the lack of non-white senior clergy in the CofE, Downing Street has announced the appointment of the first BAME bishop for twenty years. The next Bishop of Woolwich will be the Vicar of St John’s, Upper Holloway, Revd Woyin Karo­wei Dorgu. The 58-year-old was born and brought up in Nigeria, and worked as a GP before training for ordination. He has been Vicar of St John’s since 2000. ‘We are greatly honoured to be invited to share and contribute to this dynamic ministry of bringing God’s love to the people of Wool­wich and the diocese,’ Revd Dorgu said. Speaking to reporters, he said, ‘I want to encourage BAME vocations and more participation in ministry. I will celebrate the divers­ity in race, ability, gender, sexuality, and class. Celebrating our differ­ences is a gift.’

Published in British Isles
Saturday, 07 January 2017 03:04

Is UK aid ‘exporting the dole’?

Tory MP Nigel Evans has harshly criticised a foreign aid programme that hands money directly to Pakistan’s poorest people. Britain currently helps fund the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), which offered cash support to over 235,000 families across Pakistan in 2012 and could be helping 441,000 by 2020. The Department for International Development (DfID) argues that offering just over £10 a month to these families cuts out middlemen, reduces the risk of fraud, and minimises the cost of the programme. The budget for the transfers, which help people who live on less than £1 a day, has risen from £53 million in 2005 to an annual average of £219 million in the period 2011-2015. However, Evans has called on DfID to launch an urgent examination of the process, saying, ‘This should only be a temporary measure, but it seems as if we’re exporting the dole to Pakistan, which is clearly not a clever idea.’

Published in British Isles
Saturday, 07 January 2017 03:01

Bishop receives knighthood

James Jones, the former Bishop of Liverpool, who chaired an independent panel of inquiry into the Hillsborough football disaster, has been knighted in the New Year Honours list for services to bereaved families and justice. Bishop Jones was widely praised for his chairmanship of the panel, which concluded that many of the deaths at Hillsborough might have been avoided with better medical care. Bishop Jones said that he had mixed emotions on accepting the KBE, ‘because of the enduring sadness of the families who continue to feel the loss of their loved ones’. The inquiry, he said, had been ‘very much the climax’ of his 15 years as Bishop of Liverpool. A Hillsborough protester, Professor Phil Scraton, who led the panel’s research team, revealed last week that he had turned down an OBE in protest at those who ‘remained unresponsive’ to the campaign for truth and justice.

Published in British Isles
Saturday, 07 January 2017 02:57

Europe - a hope and refuge

Millions are fleeing from the tyranny of war, famine, and heartache in the largest movement of people since WWII. For most, Europe offers the only hope of safety, and many risk the very real threat of death on their journeys to refuge. Often these people are seen as a problem, but while our enemy can use people to kill, steal, and destroy, God sees each and every person as a unique and loved creation. Greater Europe Mission (GEM) is just one of the many organisations which are working to meet the needs of the millions of vulnerable and hurting displaced people in train stations, courtyards, and fields across Europe. Unfortunately defensive reactions, not open-handed welcome, is the response from many citizens in receiving countries. Anxiety about those who are ‘different’ is driving people to fear and reject refugees.  Pray for Christians in these countries to lead the way by offering rest and refreshment, and lifting burdens.

Published in Europe
Saturday, 07 January 2017 02:55

Portions of a letter from Germany

‘The terror attack on the Christmas market in Berlin has been reported in detail in the media. As well as praying for the bereaved and injured, please pray for the security forces, police, politicians and the justice system to work together for the security of citizens, and to better manage the challenges of tracing those who may be intent on carrying out terror attacks. Pray for God’s wisdom and protection from the rule of fear.’ Also: ‘Post-factual (or Post-truth) stands for a fundamental change in presenting news and information in society. Increasingly political and social discussions are based on emotion rather than facts. An emotional perception of what is real then replaces the factual reality. The “truth” now rests in what everybody is talking about irrespective of the underlying facts. News is increasingly created and spread through social networks. Pray for political leaders to protect citizens from the deliberate manipulation of facts and make the spreading of untrue information a punishable offence.’

Published in Europe