
Displaying items by tag: Europe

Friday, 19 May 2017 12:41

EU calls for border controls to be lifted

On 2 May, the European Commissioner for migration asked Austria, Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Sweden (some of the richest and most preferred European destinations for migrants) to implement a gradual withdrawal, over the next six months, of the temporary controls applied in 2015 at their Schengen borders. Critics believe this could trigger another immigration crisis, and allow jihadists to cross Europe without being detected. Many Christians believe God is using this situation to bring the unsaved out of closed countries and into opportunities to hear the gospel (see the previous article).

Published in Europe
Friday, 19 May 2017 12:38

Albania: one-sided election

Albania’s main religion is Islam. In the 1990s the country ended 46 years of communism and established a multiparty democracy. Successive governments have coped with high unemployment, corruption, organised crime networks, and shady political opponents and progressed with political and economic reforms, taking the first steps towards joining the EU. Albania is still one of the poorest countries in Europe, hampered by a large informal economy and inadequate energy and transportation infrastructures. The elections were held without any centre-right opposition. On 5 May Macedonia's parliament speaker asked President Tomislav Nikolić to recognise a majority of Social Democrats and ethnic Albanian members of parliament so they could form a new government, but he refused. Germany and the USA will recognise the election outcome even without the opposition’s participation. See

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Friday, 12 May 2017 10:44

Canopy of prayer: Poland

An intercessor writes: ‘Since the 1989 fall of communism, Poland has experienced unprecedented growth and prosperity. For example, during the 2008-2014 economic crisis, a time of turbulence for the world economy, Poland’s GNP (Gross National Product) grew by 25%. The prime minister during that period was Donald Tusk, now president of the European Council. Since the change of power the situation now needs much prayer. People now running the country have already destroyed the constitutional court, public media, and integral parts of our educational system, to mention just a few. We are heading towards a big crisis both economically and politically, potentially with some serious social unrest.’

Published in Europe
Friday, 12 May 2017 10:42

Canopy of prayer: Spain

An intercessor writes: ‘The way that people can pray and support us in Spain is by expressing interest in our 365 Prayer Initiative, and praying for it. This is the 9th year of the churches in Spain praying day and night in a coordinated way. We are working to strengthen the stakes of our tent, and we appreciate every prayer and word of encouragement that we can get. We feel that if the Church is praying, the political and social issues will all fall into place. So please pray for this army of prayer warriors in Spain, and for us as we lead it. The rate of unemployment is 22%; among the young people under 25 years the rate is over 45%. Our GNP is at 3.2%, higher than the average in Europe. Nevertheless, the economy of Spain is in a gradual growth.’

Published in Europe
Friday, 05 May 2017 11:29

Telephone prayer-lines

United Christian Broadcasting (UCB) Prayerline is a confidential service available to anyone, whoever they are and whatever their background. Christian volunteers take phone calls and pray with the callers over issues they are facing. Premier Christian Radio also have a telephone lifeline; trained volunteers create a confidential, anonymous place for people to talk about and pray into whatever they wish, without judgment or rejection. They could be worried about losing jobs, young people who do not know what to do next, people needing prayer for healing, those with money worries or family worries, or those who want to know more about what God can do in their lives. These are not counselling or advice services; it’s all about prayer and asking God for help. See also

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 05 May 2017 11:02

Europe and Islam

Historian David Engels predicts that Europe faces the fate of the ancient Roman Republic - a civil war. Some are now saying, ‘Jihadists seem to be leading an assault against freedom and secular democracies.’ Mainstream media are asking if Europe fears Muslims more than the USA does. We can pray against fears occupying the collective imagination of Europeans. A survey of 10,000+ Europeans from ten different countries revealed increasing public opposition to Muslim immigration, with 55% agreeing that all further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped. Islamists take culture and history more seriously than Westerners. In Paris, an Egyptian terrorist attempted to deface artwork in the Louvre because ‘it is a powerful symbol of French culture’. We can pray for every aspect of Godly heritage rooted deep in European culture to be revived not reviled.

Published in Europe
Friday, 05 May 2017 11:00

Kingdom view: Europe shall be saved!

A new chapter has opened in European history. For the first time a member state is leaving. The EU needs citizens who identify with the European project after becoming increasingly sceptical over recent years. A new balance of power is needed between the EU’s Council and Commission and its member states. No one is comfortable in seasons of change where the future is not yet born. But a growing number of recognised leaders say that God is preparing a very special time for Europe in the near future. At a small conference last autumn in Switzerland, they received the vision that God will save 100 million in Europe during the next ten years. Breath-taking? Past revivals saw things happen which nobody could have anticipated in either quality or quantity. This can happen in Europe! They heard a word from God, a word which only the Lord himself can proclaim, ‘Europe shall be saved!’

Published in Europe
Friday, 28 April 2017 02:58

Documentary on friars challenges BBC viewers

Five hours of prayer every day, soup kitchens, sharing the Gospel with street people, impromptu guitar jams, amazing beards in the world of a Franciscan friary  - all these are featured in a BBC documentary, Friars on a Mission (available for another 19 days on iPlayer). This unique insight into the simple and missional lifestyle of five Franciscan friars in Bradford has testimonies from them and those they have helped. Brother Benedict - who was once promiscuous and heavily involved in drugs before having a life-changing encounter with God - enthuses in a thick Mancunian accent, ‘I’ll always be raving for Manchester, but I’m raving for the Lord.’ Tony, a homeless man, adds, ‘If it wasn’t for the friars, there is a very good possibility I’d be dead.’ Warmth, humility, and joy - not to mention an infectious sense of humour - radiate from them all.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 28 April 2017 02:51

Friday Focus: blessing our communities

God has given you and me the privilege and responsibility of blessing people, communities and land in the name of Jesus, not interceding (although we must do that as well) but speaking out directly. This is powerful when done as part of everyday life. Where this biblical practice is being recovered, salvation and community transformation are taking place.

(written by Roy Godwin, The Ffald-y-Brenin Trust)

Published in British Isles

Felix Ngole, a Christian, has won the right to challenge his expulsion from a social work course at the University of Sheffield because in a discussion on Facebook he had expressed his Christian views on marriage and sexuality. Mr Ngole, a second-year masters student, sought permission on Wednesday for the High Court to review the university's decision judicially after it rejected his internal appeal. The university said that his comments breached a code of professional conduct, but the High Court granted permission for a judicial review. The Christian Legal Centre is representing Felix and will continue to support him, as the case has wide-reaching ramifications for the freedom of Christians.

Published in British Isles