Latin America

Displaying items by tag: Latin America

Thursday, 09 April 2020 20:38

Latin America needs IMF help

Coronavirus has soared in Latin America recently: the worst in Brazil, followed by Chile and Ecuador where bodies lie in the streets. Beyond the public health toll, the economic impact could be catastrophic. Lockdowns and social distancing risk triggering the worst recession in fifty years. Fourteen Latin American and Caribbean countries have asked the IMF for financial lifelines, totalling $4.48 billion. Even before coronavirus, many of their economies were suffering from low oil prices, with some countries almost in outright recession. 80 emerging economies have so far requested financial relief from the $1 trillion earmarked by the IMF for relief.

Published in Worldwide

Certainly our good Lord is using Covid -19 to bring great outcomes in the Latin American nations.

As the epicentre of the corona virus pandemic moved from China to the USA, Europe, Latin American countries started to prepare for an outbreak.  In a context of global emergency, not only the Body of Christ have called and cried out to God for help, but many presidents and politicians in our continent have also been outspoken about the need to “Pray and Fast“ as the only/ultimate hope against the deadly pandemic.

After President Donald Trump called for a National Day of prayer for the United States on March 15th, a wave for National Prayer & Fasting had been convoked by the Presidents of our nations on the following dates:

  • March 18th President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele.
  • March 18th President of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández.
  • March 20th President of Paraguay Mario Abdo Benitez.
  • March 21th President of Guatemala Alejandro Giammattei.
  • March 21th President of Bolivia Janine Añez.
  • March 21st President of Argentina Alberto Fernandez.
  • March 23rd President of Panamá Laurentino Cortizo.

Suddenly we have started listening on the TV news & radio from the mouth of the State leaders : “May God bless Guatemala" (Giammattei) “May God bless Brazil” (Bolsanaro). Hallelujah!

Former Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales expressed publicly “In these moments, we people of Guatemala should be united, leaving aside the eternal political division, we should pray continually. I confess that, during my government, the prayers of millions gave us strength and victory in times of crisis”.  Morales shared the Bible verse from Ephesians 6:18: “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people”.  

The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, “This is a secular state that allows freedom of worship, but there are many believers. I want to ask them to pray and together ask God that he helps us to overcome this virus”. “We are going to face a tribulation, but I am sure that with the help of God we will be able to go ahead. Those who don’t believe in God, feel released of this”, the President said, “but for those who believe, I ask you to bow our heads and let’s pray and ask God for our country”. After these words, all members of the government and the Republic in the room prayed together.   (Enfoque Evangélico Marzo 18,2020)

PARAGUAY: “TOGETHER IN PRAYER” In Paraguay, the highest political authority also called to pray for protection. “I hope the whole people can spend time in family, in unity. We should not forget the spiritual field. One family together in prayer”, said the President of the nation, Mario Abdo Benítez. “The power of prayer, I am sure, will protect the nation. God will protect Paraguay and will continue to bless this country”. (March 18,2020 / Enfoque evangélico)

2 Chronicles 7:13-14 “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

In the midst of the shaken of the nations, we say THANK YOU LORD for giving us the opportunity to return our hearts to you, to prayer, fasting, for going back to your word, experiencing revival in our living rooms, experience what family was supposed to be .. Mathew 12:21 “In his name the nations will put their hope”. We surrender to you Jesus!

Rev 11:15 NLT “The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever.” Amen

Judith Yanira González - Executive Team
International Prayer Council
+1 (480) 529-5399 direct

Thursday, 02 April 2020 21:51

Brazil: Bolsonaro's ‘deny and defy’ policy

President Bolsonaro's coronavirus strategy of ‘putting economy first' is putting thousands of lives at risk. He calculates that the number of deaths will be less costly than the inevitable recession caused by an economic shutdown. Brazil's poorest communities lack refuse collection, have water shortages and open sewers, and are very densely populated. These are perfect conditions for the virus to proliferate. Bolsonaro's televised national address, calling the virus ‘a little flu’, was condemned by business leaders and politicians. Two of his tweets were removed for ‘violating rules’ and defying international guidelines. Bombastic media appearances, dubbed ‘Brazil can't stop’, encouraging citizens to get back to work and downplaying the virus threat, were quickly taken off air. The majority of Brazil's elderly live with family members or someone else who is not their partner.The ‘deny’ strategy is expected to produce a situation worse than Italy in two or three weeks, and a collapsed health system.

Published in Worldwide
Wednesday, 01 January 2020 12:05

Answered Prayers - Bolivia Elections

Our IPC colleague, Yanira Gonzalez received this good news / answered prayers message from Gabo & Shelly Castro who run 'Talita Cumi', one of the orphanages (kids 0-5 yrs) in Cochabamba, Bolivia.  They are part of the Latin America network of Children in Prayer. 

I am so pleased to write with GOOD NEWS!!! 

Things in Bolivia have improved SIGNIFICANTLY!!!  Thank you for praying! 

Evo Morales fled the country and has taken asylum in Mexico.  The constitutionally empowered interim president (Jeanine Añez), has called for new elections (probably in April 2020) and has done a wonderful job at establishing order. 

While there is still protesting and occasional riots (from Evo supporters- wanting him to return to power and pushing to pass a law to give him and all of his highest officials immunity to all criminal charges), the peace has basically been restored. 

Family and staff report that public transportation is functioning normally and that, apart from a slight cost elevation, they are able to access everything they need.  We are SO THANKFUL and so RELIEVED!!

Despite Evo’s plan to remain in power, the people stood together for freedom and for democracy.  I feel honored to have witnessed this incredible historical moment for Bolivia; old men and women pulled out their wooden stools to sit in the streets and support the blockades; young men and women came together to protect the people and freedom for the following generations.  When the police sided with the people and were cut off from the government; the nation came together to protect and provide for them; organizing themselves in each neighborhood to make meals for each of the stations.  When there were threats that the military was going to attack the police force, entire families made massive human barricades around the stations; telling the military that they would have to kill hundreds of unarmed citizens before they got to the police.  

Evo executed his plans, but God’s prevailed!!!

I am so proud of the Bolivian people and the example they now are to so many nations around the world deep in this fight for freedom.

The best part: THE KIDS HAVE NO IDEA!!  While I’m sure they knew something was up; not going to school and dynamite going off just blocks from the front door; the staff did an incredible job of protecting their minds and hearts.  They played games, watched movies, did their school work at home, and had birthday parties. 

I am forever thankful for the tias and their hard work and tangible testimony of Jesus’ love to the children not only in this tumultuous time, but always.

Praise: God for answered prayers – and for this breakthrough that brings a positive window of opportunity for the people of Bolivia. 
Praise: God for the way that the people stood arm in arm – in unity, in support of the police.
Pray: that the Bolivian elections are conducted fairly and democratically.
Pray: that men and women of God will be prompted to stand for election.
Pray: that all the misappropriated assets will be recovered and those involved in corrupt activities will be brought to justice. 

Thursday, 05 December 2019 23:43

Mexico: from murder to mercy

23 people died following cartel gun battles in a town near the US border. Mexico’s murder rate is up 2% this year, but God’s Spirit is moving. Recent evangelistic meetings in Sonora attracted 1,500+ people, 100 became Christians, and 75,000+ Spanish Bibles and Christian resources were distributed. As a leader walked to his car after an event, a man approached him saying, ‘I was behind the stage drinking Heinekens, and I heard you talking at the evangelistic meeting. I spent 10 years in Pelican Bay because I killed two people. I don’t know why I do bad when I want to do right.’ The man sobbed and was given a comforting embrace. ‘Then I led him in the plan of salvation. He gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. We gave him a free Bible and got him introduced to a local pastor.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 29 November 2019 12:19

Latin America: Cold War 2.0?

Many geopolitical media watchers and prayer warriors believe the growing wave of anti-government protests ravaging the streets of Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia and Colombia hasn’t been seen since the old Cold War which is why the increase in protests and tensions might be called Cold War 2.0 in Latin America.

This time, at least as yet, there aren’t armed proxy groups in play but Moscow has weaponized social unrest to sabotage Western power in the region.

Earlier this decade we saw similar issues on Russia’s strategic periphery, notably in Ukraine in the wake of the 2014 Maidan protests and the 2005 Orange Revolution. These protests aren’t necessarily armed Marxists but anti-government protesters armed with anti-U.S. rhetoric.

Much the same approach is evident in Moscow’s support for Nicholas Maduro’s failing regime in Venezuela and with the help of Cuban operatives. Russia has become increasingly adept at using social media to disperse disinformation on the Internet.

Pray: for God to prevent cold wars through economic trade, cyber or arms race. (Psalm 2: 1,2a,4)
Pray: for peaceful and democratic routes to be brokered for the unrest in these Latin American countries.
Pray: that super-powers stop interfering with these vulnerable countries for their own gain.
Pray: for the Christian Church in Latin America, that it will continue to flourish and grow despite the economic and political tensions.

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Thursday, 28 November 2019 22:48

Latin America: a new Cold War?

Many geopolitical media watchers and prayer warriors believe the growing wave of anti-government protests ravaging the streets of Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia and Colombia hasn’t been seen since the old Cold War, which is why the increase in protests and tensions might be called Cold War 2.0 in Latin America. This time, at least as yet, there aren’t armed proxy groups in play but Moscow has weaponised social unrest to sabotage Western power in the region. Earlier this decade we saw similar issues on Russia’s strategic periphery, notably in Ukraine in the wake of the 2014 Maidan protests and the 2005 Orange Revolution. These protesters aren’t necessarily armed Marxists, but anti-government and armed with anti-US rhetoric. Much the same approach is evident in Moscow’s support for Nicholas Maduro’s failing regime in Venezuela, with the help of Cuban operatives. Russia has become increasingly adept at using social media to disperse disinformation on the Internet.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 November 2019 22:06

Chile: inequality triggers protests

For decades political leaders have promised that free markets would lead to prosperity, which would take care of other problems. The promises came to nothing, and thousands of protesters are chanting, ‘Chile, wake up’. The middle class struggles with high prices, low wages, a privatised retirement system, and the elderly in bitter poverty. A series of corruption and tax-evasion scandals eroded faith in the political and corporate elite. While protests began peacefully over three weeks ago, now there are images of metro stations destroyed, supermarkets looted, and flaming street barricades. There are accusations of torture and abuse by the 200,000 security forces, who have used tear gas and water cannon to disperse demonstrators. Social media is reporting many deaths. The UN is investigating human rights abuses. Two centuries after independence from Spain, the Catholic Christian faith of the conquistadors remains the largest in Chile today. Pray for the Church’s voice of peace and justice to be heard.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 25 October 2019 09:33

USA / Mexico: stranded Africans

It is reported that 4,799 Africans were apprehended in Mexico between January and July, a fourfold increase over the same period in 2018. Between 1,500 and 3,000 Africans are currently camping in tents outside the Mexican city of Tapachula. They have been there for months after fleeing conflict-ridden countries like Cameroon and DR Congo. Most flew to Brazil, then made the dangerous journey north through road-less swathes of jungle into Mexico, hoping finally to reach the USA to claim asylum. They can’t leave Tapachula without a permit, but these are scarce since Mexico agreed to help President Trump to limit numbers crossing the border. Now Trump intends to bar people from applying for asylum if they haven’t first applied in the countries they crossed - Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Migrants could be deported back to ‘safe third countries’, which are not safe and would put many at renewed risk.

Published in Worldwide
Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:47

Latin American Elections – Oct 2019

A briefing on the forthcoming Latin American elections by Yanira Gonzalez - IPC's Regional Representative and Leadership Team member

We really need God’s intervention in the next presidential elections in Latin America. We are facing the DECEPTION of the enemy that makes us pray for our nations not according to God’s perfect will, but according to the manipulation of the media, our bias and agendas.

Please pray for gubernatorial elections that will affect 3 strategic countries:

  • Argentina general election - 27 October 2019
  • Bolivia general election - 20 October 2019
  • Uruguaya general election - 27 October 2019

Like the rest of the Continent, Latin America 2019 presidential elections presents two visions: Conservatism or progressivism & socialism; biblical faithfulness or political correctness. We definitely need to 'Watch and pray'!

The Bible, in Timothy 2:2 commands us "to pray for those who govern and for all authorities." An act of reflection and responsibility. This role has changed in the last 20 years in Latin America, where Christians have formed and strengthened political movements capable of obtaining legislative seats, influencing presidential elections and transferring the debate from ideas to beliefs.  Four of the last election campaigns in the region have been under the influence of Christian parties. The candidates supported by these parties won the first round in Brazil (Jair Bolsonaro), Colombia (Iván Duque) and Mexico (Andrés Manuel López Obrador).

Prayer points in regards to the presidential elections of these 3 countries & Latin America:

  1. That our nations in Latin America would turn back to God. May God help us. We need him desperately to renew our hope and restore our land. We need his forgiveness and healing. May His Spirit sweep across our nations and draw many out of darkness. May believers everywhere draw close to Him and seek his face like never before. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…” Ps. 33:12
  2. That Latin America would be faithful in praying for leaders and those in authority, knowing that their decisions directly affect us too. May God give them wisdom and courage as they lead our nations. May He give them a desire to listen for his voice and follow his ways. May God in His mercy, appoint principled, godly men and women into positions of authority in our nations. “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Prov. 29:2
  3. That Latin America would recognize God’s Sovereignty over all. His word reminds us that He is the One who ultimately has the power to position all those in leadership, and to remove them. It is “God who changes the times and seasons; He sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” Dan. 2:21 “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.” Ps. 33:11
  4. That Latin America would recognize the real battle is not fought against what is seen, but what is unseen. The real enemy is not a person or political party, but is Satan himself, and his dark forces that oppose God and fight against Truth. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Eph. 6:12 “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” 2 Cor. 10:4
  5. That Latin America would not succumb to worry, fear, or defeat. That we wouldn’t grow so weary that we just give up, and tune out...God is the One who sets free and has the power to restore our nations.

    "They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord."  Ps. 112:7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7
  1. That Latin America would pray for those in authority who are unjustly attacked and accused. That God’s protection would cover His people, that He would surround them with favor as a shield. “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn…” Is. 54:17
  2. That Latin America’s hope would remain in the Lord. That we would recognize His great Power. That we would trust Him and believe that He is Able, and nothing is impossible with Him. “Look at the nations and watch-- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.” Hab. 1:5

Yanira Gonzalez - IPC Latin America Representative / Leadership Team

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