The world is shutting down in an unparalleled global response to coronavirus. Pray for God to cause a mighty wind of His Holy Spirit to turn the tide of sickness and fear. The current strategy of…

Syria: recap

26 Mar 2020
It has been almost ten years since the horrific war began. The Syrian army has retaken most of the land (except Idlib). Many believe that what happens here could be the culmination of the entire war.…
As the virus spreads, pray for everyone to listen to the advice from local authorities, and show care and regard for one another - especially the elderly and most vulnerable. If ever there was a time…
US secretary of state Mike Pompeo announced a $1bn cut in American aid to Afghanistan after he failed to convince President Ghani and his political foe, Abdullah, to end a feud that has jeopardised a US-led…
A damning report, prepared last year, has been released. It detailed Israel’s lack of preparation for a major epidemic. A pre-coronavirus scenario in the report (based on an influenza epidemic) expected about 2,250,000 infected residents (25%…
The island’s phone-tracking system is an ‘electronic fence’, using existing phone signals to triangulate mobile phone owners’ locations. To ensure users comply, an alert is sent to the authorities if the handset is turned off for…