Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has withdrawn from the presidential race, paving the way for a potential Biden-Trump rematch. In her announcement from South Carolina, Haley declined to endorse Donald Trump, though acknowledging his likely…
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has called for enhanced military capabilities against the US and South Korea, responding to ongoing joint military exercises between the two nations. During a visit to a training base, Kim…
Iran's morality police have escalated their enforcement of Islamic dress codes, leading to severe punishments for women, including car confiscations, floggings, and fines, reports Amnesty International. This crackdown follows protests ignited by the death of Mahsa…
UN officials have accused Israel of systematically blocking aid from reaching desperate Palestinians in Gaza, warning that a quarter of the population is ‘one step away from famine’. On 29 February over a hundred died and…
The Alabama supreme court has ruled that frozen embryos are children, which has sparked controversy and cast uncertainty over the future of IVF treatments in the state. Medical experts and reproductive advocacy groups are warning of…
Oil leaking from a capsized barge off Tobago's coast has spread hundreds of miles, reaching the island of Bonaire. It is now regarded as a serious threat to both humans and the environment. The barge, of…