Yazidis revere the Bible and Qu’ran; much of their centuries-old religion is oral. Thirty-six Yazidis are free after nearly three years’ captivity by IS. They are in UN centres in Dohuk, in Kurdish northern Iraq. It…
In the Syrian war, the town of Maaloula - one of the few places where people still speak a dialect of Jesus' language, Aramaic - was occupied by Islamist al-Nusra militants. Almost all of the town's…
As Papua New Guinea’s official election campaign period started, violence dominated the news. Three people were killed and more injured, following fights between supporters of two candidates. Shops, schools and businesses are shut in Kimbe. Things…
The Guinea Bissau Free Methodist work is led by Pastor Rito Mande. He first connected with Free Methodists after a mission trip by Cindi Angelo, a Brazilian missionary who speaks Portuguese (Guinea Bissau has historical and…
‘13 Reasons Why’ is one of the most talked-about shows on Netflix. Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, is urging Christian parents of teens and church youth ministry leaders to engage in…
Algeria’s population is 40.3 million - 99% Muslim, 1% Christian. Literacy: 87% men, 73% women. The country was home to St Augustine, one of the Church’s foremost theologians (354-430). Christianity flourished between the fifth and seventh…