The National Day of Prayer is an annual day of observance held on the first Thursday of May, designated by the United States Congress, when people are asked ‘to turn to God in prayer and meditation’.…
Months before the US Supreme Court rules on the issue of gay marriage, Native American tribes have taken steps to defend traditional marriage. Eleven tribes with a total membership approaching a million people will not recognize…
Last month you were asked to pray for teams of intercessors to be prepared spiritually as they plan to pray at satanic strongholds from Saturday, 11 April to Monday 13 April. The organiser has asked us…
Every year, thousands of Cambodian migrants cross the border with Thailand searching for employment and better living conditions. They enter the country without documents after paying unscrupulous traffickers who profit on trafficking with promises of a…
Incumbent Goodluck Jonathan phoned former military leader Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday to concede defeat in Nigeria's presidential elections, he then followed the phone call with a written statement to his countrymen. Jonathan’s speedy action and words…
The tribes of Afghanistan are hearing about Christ as media reach where people can’t physically go. Films, radio, websites, cell phones, SMS messaging, and even Twitter are receiving responses never seen before. As more people hear…