The interim leader has sworn in a Cabinet that includes women and Christians but no Islamists as it moved swiftly to formalise the new political order and present a more liberal face that is markedly at…
Israel: Israeli Arabs land
19 Jul 2013
Israeli bulldozers demolished a Bedouin village in southern Israel for the 53rd time on Tuesday. Families in Araqib managed to re-build five of the sheds and Palestinian and Israeli activists are due to visit the village…
USA: Rallies to condemn racial profiling
19 Jul 2013
George Zimmerman, a white man was aquitted in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin and civil rights demonstrators have been attending rallies across America to condemn racial profiling. Activists are pressing for civil…
Uganda: Refugee crisis
19 Jul 2013
66,000 Congolese refugees have crossed into Uganda in recent days, following fighting between Ugandan rebel group Allied Democratic Forces and the Democratic Republic of Congo's national army. Their arrival has left the Ugandan government and humanitarian…
NIGERIA: School massacre
11 Jul 2013
Secondary schools have been ordered to close across Nigeria's north-eastern state of Yobe after a massacre in which Boko Haram Islamist extremists torched Mamudo Boarding school killing 22 students. ‘Boko Haram’ translates as ‘Western education is…
Global: Ramadan July 10 – August 7
11 Jul 2013
The word Islam means ‘submission to the will of Allah’. Allah is the God of Islam. Members of Islam are called Muslims meaning ‘those who submit’. The purpose of the Ramadan season is to take Muslims…