Some time ago Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ wrote. ‘We are experiencing an amazing phenomenon. Moslems are having dreams and visions confirming the reality of Christ’. The month of Ramadan runs from July 20th…
A group of thugs linked to the Vietnam Patriotic Front, activated by local authorities,(who pay each thug up to 25 dollars for their actions, targeted believers in a house of prayer celebrating Sunday Mass on July…
Maldives is no 6. on Open Doors World Watch List of countries that persecute Christians, and the top item on the Maldives list of border control’s prohibited items is ‘religious materials offensive to Islam’. Every citizen…
Kenyan Christian and Muslim leaders condemned attacks on two churches on 1 July in Garissa that left 17 people dead and 66 injured. Our Lady of Consolata Catholic Church and the evangelical Garissa African Inland Church…
The following is from an Egyptian Christian’s blog after Mohamed Morsi won the presidential election. ‘Watching all the celebrations and fireworks many are asking, is hope and peace still possible for the Egyptian church? Can we…
The Coalition of African-American Pastors demanded on Monday that President Obama meet with the group to address his stance on same-sex marriage. So far the White House has refused to acknowledge the group's request but leaders…