In September Adbuster magazine in Canada put out a call for supporters to occupy Wall Street and drew hundreds of protesters with 2,000 attending a march the following Saturday. This protest movement has been developing through…
Eleven Iranian Christians who fled Iran in the wake of a government campaign against evangelical Christianity received death threats via email from a group called ‘the unknown soldiers of the Hidden Imam’ (the Messiah-figure in Shia…
It is two months since South Sudan’s peaceful secession from the North after decades of civil war, but violence in the border regions has flared since May. In a split still lacking clarity over border demarcations…
A suicide bomber attacked a church packed with hundreds of worshippers in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia, on Sunday, killing himself and wounding at least 20 other people. The church is one of Saddleback Church Pastor Rick…
Chuck and Stephanie Fromm have been fined for holding Bible studies in their home in Southern California. According to City officials they are in violation of a municipal code prohibiting ‘religious, fraternal or non-profit’ organisations in…
In an address to the UN General Assembly Uzbekistan's deputy prime minister and foreign minister said ethnic tensions between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz will not be resolved until there is a full investigation into last year's clashes…