Much of Pakistan is still under water after recent floods. Pakistan is a country already deeply in debt with millions of people relying on food aid as they will not be able to grow rice and…
At 7am Vietnamese time, about 500 police, soldiers and fire officers arrived with bulldozers at Pastor Quang’s school and demolished the property. Pastor Quang, (one of the so-called 'Mennonite Six' jailed in 2004) is currently being…
In an effort to prevent Coptic Christians using the newly built Church of St. Mary and St. Michaels for prayer services the Giza Governorate converted a four storey house facing the church into a mosque secretly…
Concrete walls up to 10 feet high are being built around churches in Baghdad and Mosul to protect Christmas churchgoers from violence, reports a Catholic News Agency. The barriers are the Iraqi government’s response to reports…
An evangelist is still recovering from burns after six young Muslim men beat him with clubs and belts and set him on fire last month. Area Christians said they found the Rev. Wilson Augustine, aged 26,…
The first meeting of the Eritrean Cabinet of Ministers got underway on the 14th December in Eritrea’s capital. In its agenda the meeting heard extensive briefings by President Isaias Afwerki assessing political, economic, social and diplomatic…