In India, Hindu extremists have continued to victimize pastors by using anti-conversion laws as an excuse to attack Christians, thereby limiting church activities. UK based Release International (RI) said in a recent report that pastors…
Islamist hardliners are using violent talk about the 'Christianisation' of Bekasi, amid rising interfaith tensions in the city. Nine Islamic groups meeting in this West Javan city have reportedly joined forces in a campaign to prepare…
On 28 June 2010 the Supreme Court issued a majority decision that a California Law School can require a Christian group to open its leadership positions to all students, including those who disagree with the group's…
Muslim students attacked a Christian Professor at Peshawar University College this month after he refused their demand to convert to Islam. Psychology Professor Samuel John, a father of four who has been teaching at the college…
Morocco expelled a teacher for allegedly attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity. According to the Spanish newspaper ‘El Pais’, authorities expelled Sara Domene of Spain for ‘threatening public order.’ It's a common phrase used to allege…
Leaders at the G20 summit in Toronto, Canada have agreed to cut national budget deficits in half by 2013. Heads of state also agreed to new rules that would force British banks to boost their funds…