On 27 September Florida’s governor told millions, ‘You must evacuate now’. By the 29th Hurricane Ian, the worst storm in US history, had devastated Florida with cars submerged, power lines downed, and rivers sweeping away homes. Storm surges of 18 feet are forcing water inland across 250 miles of coastline. At the time of writing a 140-mile wide system is crawling towards Orlando. 24 inches of rainfall is expected in the next 48 hours. The storm surge flooded Port Charlotte’s hospital emergency room, and fierce winds ripped away the intensive care roof. Pray for the evacuated 2.5 million people, the 30,000 search and rescue teams, the ambulance and medical teams, and the 7,000 National Guards ready to help once the weather clears. The hurricane knocked out Cuba’s entire electricity grid before reaching the USA.
Hurricane Ian worst in US history
Written by David Fletcher 29 Sep 2022
Additional Info
- Pray: for Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, now in states of emergency as Ian is expected to reach them by 1 October. (Psalm 107:29-30)
- More: www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/09/29/hurricane-ian-florida-latest-news-tracker-tropical-storm-path1/
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