Africa: Clergy told re-evangelise church

Written by Super User 28 Aug 2010

In an address to 400 Anglican bishops in Entebbe, Uganda Henry Orombi the Archbishop of Uganda said it was time for Africans to ‘rise up and bring fresh life in the ailing global Anglicanism’. He called African bishops to shake off their fears, shame and superficial dependency and re-evangelise the ailing churches of the west. On the same day as his address to the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa the US Episcopalians published a liturgical resource and guide for clergy and same-sex couples. Orombi told those attending the conference, including the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, that the African Church must go to Europe and the US to revive the ‘Mother Church desperate for the Gospel’. Press reports, ‘African church leaders will use the meeting to reiterate their concerns about homosexuality and criticise the Archbishop for failing to punish communities that welcome gays and lesbians into the pews and priesthood.’

Pray: for the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to be with God's people as they use His Word as their plumb line in all discussions (Rev.19:7)


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