America: Planned 'mega mosque' at Ground Zero

Written by Super User 11 Jun 2010

A protest drew thousands to Ground Zero last Sunday opposing the construction of a 15-story Islamic facility described as ‘A centre of learning, art and culture guided by Islamic values in their truest form.’ Opponents of the project say building an Islamic centres so close to Ground Zero would be offensive to victims of the 9/11 attack. A New York community board voted 29-1 in favour of plans to build the centre. The only way to stop the project would be giving the 152 year old building on the site Landmark Preservation Status, which the protestors are attempting to do. The Centre is a collaboration between the American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative – both founded by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who preaches in a mosque twelve blocks from Ground Zero. He was born in Kuwait and educated in England.

Pray: for the Holy Spirit to guide the hearts and minds of those considering the Landmark Preservation Status for the building and to bathe the area in the truth of Jesus Christ. (Col.1:9b & 13)


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