Egypt: Christians ask for prayer

Written by Super User 27 Feb 2012

Following a rumour that a Christian man in the village of Kobry-el-Sharbat had illicit photographs and a video clip of a Muslim lady a Muslim mob burnt several Christian-owned homes and businesses. On 1st February a ‘village tribunal’ of Muslim leaders issued a decree ordering eight Christian families to leave and their property be sold. If this decree was not complied with then all 62 Christian families living in the village would be forcibly expelled. The National Assembly ruled the decree was illegal, the eight families' property should be restored to them, the government should pay compensation for all damaged property, and the police should endeavour to identify and prosecute those responsible for violent attacks. The Christians request our prayers for- the commission's ruling to be effectively and promptly implemented, for all Christian families to be allowed to return and for true reconciliation amongst all villagers.

Pray: that the commission's ruling will set a precedent that ends impunity for sectarian violence against Christians and other religious minorities. (Pr.11:1)



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