Global: Persecution increases during Ramadan

Written by Super User 21 Aug 2010

For some Christians around the world, Ramadan represents an opportunity to talk about Christ while Muslims are seeking truth, but for believers in mostly Muslim nations, this Islamic holy month is a time to lay low. Open Doors reported there was an upsurge against Christians in the Muslim world during Ramadan last year. Egypt being one of the worst with a church burned to the ground and at least 155 Egyptian Christians arrested for not participating in Ramadan. This year tension rises after Muslims attacked Christians in Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan and other nations just before Ramadan. The potential for a increase in persecution in the next 28 days is high. For Muslim-background believers who have come to Christ from their Islam background, there's extra pressure on them to return to Islam. These new converts have tremendous pressure from their families, including death threats and many have to leave their homes and families.

Pray: for believers protection and ability to recognise opportunities to share Christ - particularly when Muslims have dreams or visions of Jesus. (Joel 2:28)


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