Iran: Pastor facing death sentence

Written by Super User 12 Jan 2011

Youcef Nadarkhani, a father of two and an Iranian pastor was arrested in October 2009 after he objected to the teaching of Islam to Christian children in schools and he has been held in prison ever since and sentenced to death for apostasy - even though this is not a crime under the country's penal code. His wife Fatemeh Passandideh was arrested in June 2010, and sentenced to life in prison. But praise God she was released on appeal in October. Youcef was born to Muslim parents and accepted no religion before becoming a Christian aged 19. His case is seen as part of a growing campaign against Christians involved in the house church movement in Iran. The pastor will become the first person in 20 years to be executed for apostasy in Iran unless the sentence is overturned.

Pray: for the international community to pressurise the Iranian judiciary to uphold its own law and set Youcef free. (Ps.36:6)


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