Iran: Persecution update

Written by Super User 09 Oct 2010

A young Iranian believer from a Muslim background died of injuries sustained when he was severely beaten by a relative. Elam Ministries report that the relative took exception to the believer’s clear commitment to Jesus. He leaves a wife and two young children. According to the Farsi Christian News Network, three of 15 believers arrested on 8th July for their faith remain detained. A number of others continue to be detained for their faith in Iran, all are under pressure to recant their faith but are refusing to do so. According to Iranian State Television in September nine believers have also been arrested in Hamedan on charges of evangelism. We can praise God that nearly five months after being released from prison, an Iranian court has acquitted Maryam Rostampour and Marzieh Amirizadeh Esmaeilabad of all charges related to being Christians and engaging in Christian activities.

Pray: that prisoners will know the presence and peace of Jesus, remain clearly committed and fulfil the Father's purposes for their lives. (Ps.23:3-5)

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