Iran: Two years in prison for Christian convert

Written by Super User 17 Feb 2012

Leila Mohammadi a Christian convert from Islam was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment by a revolutionary court in Iran after spending 5 months in the infamous Evin prison, according to Iranian news services. She was first arrested in July 2011 when police raided her home, east of Tehran, and confiscated her belongings. She was released from 74 days solitary confinement on $150,000 bail. At her trial on 18 January she was charged with ‘collaboration with foreign-dependent groups, broad anti-Islamic propaganda, deceiving citizens by formation of what is called a house church, insulting sacred figures and action against national security.’ However she was acquitted of ‘collaboration with foreign dependent groups’ because the judge ruled that she had done that unintentionally. Almost all activity related to Christianity in the country is illegal. Last year 200+ Christians were arrested and detained in Iran. Pray for the release and protection of all Iranian Christians in prison and pray particularly for Leila’s release.

Pray: that God will strengthen Leila in this difficult time, enabling her to stand firm in her faith. (Ps.3:8)



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