Iran: Unknown condition of another Christian detainee

Written by Super User 12 Mar 2012

Esfahan: Iranian security authorities had promised to release Enayat Jafari in one week if the media were not informed about this incident! However although the media promised, two weeks have now passed and still no precise information is available on this Christian detainee's situation. According to reporters of Iranian Christian news agency, Mohabat News, this is the first time that his name is being published as a detainee who was recently arrested in Esfahanon 22 February, 2012, at 7:00 a.m. Intelligence officers of Esfahan introduced themselves as agents of the Electricity Company. As the door was opened they invaded Mr Jafari’s home and arrested him. As usual they carefully searched his entire house, taking many of his personal belongings including his laptop, phone cards, books, CDs and even children's cartoons.

Pray: for the peace of God for Mr Jafari, his wife and three-year-old son, pray also for His protection and swift release. (Jer.30:16-17)



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