Iraq: Al Qaeda attacks

Written by Super User 18 May 2010

Monday was the deadliest day of the year in Iraq. Almost 100 Iraqis were killed in a series of attacks.The violence started with drive-by shootings and bombings at security check points in Baghdad. Then two car bombs exploded and while people gathered to help the victims, a suicide bomber attacked the crowd outside a textile factory. One witness said, ‘Terrified people were running in different directions. I saw dead people, people burned and crying, wounded people on the ground that was covered with pools of blood. Dozens of wounded people asking for help were lying on the ground.’ The government is accusing Al Qaeda and the violence fuels growing fear over the country's political uncertainty. It's been two months since elections there and still no new government in sight. Meanwhile, the U.S. will pull out half of its troops over the next four months.

Pray: for God to remove all indecision and enable his choice of government and leadership to be established. (Ex.18:21)

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