Iraq: Christians determination to stay

Written by Super User 19 Nov 2010

The massacre at the Church of Sayyidat al-Najat is one of the most savage attacks inflicted on Christians of Iraq since 2003. Christians have been kidnapped, tortured, raped, evicted from their homes and threatened to convert to Islam or leave or die. Over sixty houses of worship have been destroyed, 17 Christian leaders kidnapped, some tortured and five killed including the bishop of Mosul and a Protestant pastor. Despite all efforts to drive Christianity from its Middle East heartland there is still a large number of the faithful who are determined to stay - come what may, saying this is their country in which their ancestors lived for thousands of years. On Sunday they gathered in the damaged church still stained with the blood of its martyrs and Muslims who were indignant at what happened showed their solidarity with the Christian community by joining them.

Pray: though afflicted may they not be crushed, though perplexed may they not despair, though persecuted they will never be forsaken, and when struck down may they rebuild. (2Cor 4:8-10)


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