Iraq: Refugees regret returning

Written by Super User 23 Oct 2010

‘Most refugees who have returned to Iraq have since regretted their move after finding that they faced persistent threats to their security’ a UN refugee agency said on Tuesday. The survey found 34% said they were uncertain whether they would stay permanently in Iraq and would consider seeking asylum in neighbouring countries once again if conditions do not improve. Returnees highlighted instances of ‘explosions, harassment, military operations and kidnapping’ as evidence of the insecurity. But many also said they had been forced to return to Iraq because they could no longer afford the high cost of living in asylum countries. More than three-quarters of returnees did not go back to their original place of residence but sought shelter with their relatives, friends or rented other accommodation.

Pray: that Christians in Iraq have opportunities to come alongside those searching for security and hope. (Jer.31:17)


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