Israel/Palestine: Palestinian bid for UN recognition

Written by Super User 27 Sep 2011

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has launched a diplomatic campaign to gain full United Nations membership, (See Prayer Alert 37-2011) This Friday he intends to officially notify UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of his intentions. Washington has threatened to veto any such move. Both the United States and Israel said Abbas’s move could dash hopes of resuming peace talks. Their warnings came amid reports that Britain and other countries are coming under growing US pressure to oppose a Palestinian bid for statehood. Abbas had meetings on Tuesday with French and Lebanese Presidents seeking support ahead of Friday’s speech to the General Assembly. Senior diplomats from the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations - the Quartet of Middle East mediators - have also met throughout the week seeking a way forward. Israel and America are calling the Palestinian Authority to open up direct negotiations to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Pray: that God will not allow President Abbas’s actions to prompt violent repercussions in the area. (Is.46:4)


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