Israel: Attacked by 54 rockets

Written by Super User 26 Mar 2011

Palestinian militants fired 54 rockets into Israel on Saturday. Meanwhile Hamas police beat up and confiscated equipment from reporters. On Monday, an IAF fighter jet struck a Gaza tunnel running along the border with Israel, as well as Hamas militants in the northern Gaza strip. IDF office released a statement saying that the Gaza tunnel was used to smuggle terrorists into Israeli territory with the intent to execute attacks against Israeli citizens see: The violence comes amid increasing calls for reconciliation between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his bitter rivals, the Islamic militant group Hamas. Abbas is seeking U.N. recognition for a Palestinian state by autumn and is lobbying for votes worldwide. Hamas also used force to disperse a reconciliation rally in Gaza. Israeli residents were advised to stay at home or in bomb shelters.

Pray: for the strengthening of all civilians living under the continual threat of border attacks. (Ps.16:1)


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