Kenya: Faith leaders condemn church attacks

Written by Super User 05 Jul 2012

Kenyan Christian and Muslim leaders condemned attacks on two churches on 1 July in Garissa that left 17 people dead and 66 injured. Our Lady of Consolata Catholic Church and the evangelical Garissa African Inland Church were attacked simultaneously by masked gunmen. Troops often muster in Garissa for operations against al-Shabab insurgents in neighbouring Somalia, leading to speculation that the attacks were launched by the group or its allies. Rev Peter Karanja said, ‘We are deeply saddened Kenyans who were worshipping God were mercilessly murdered by criminals who hid their faces because they could not face up to their dastardly acts'. Police said the assailants want people to feel that Christians and Muslims are fighting. Cardinal John Njue said the Roman Catholic Church believed the country was not at a time of religious war. Muslim leaders said, ‘Any God-fearing person will not celebrate the death of innocent people who gather for the purpose of worship or any other course.’

Pray: against those instigating sectarian violence, and that the Kenyan constitution affirming freedom of religion would be maintained. (Ps.45:4)



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