Kyrgyzstan: Uzbek minister calls for Kyrgyz violence probe

Written by Super User 04 Oct 2011

In an address to the UN General Assembly Uzbekistan's deputy prime minister and foreign minister said ethnic tensions between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz will not be resolved until there is a full investigation into last year's clashes between the two sides and perpetrators of bloodshed are punished. A statement issued on Sept 26th said it was ‘a serious challenge to peace and stability in the Central Asian region, with no legal or political steps taken so far towards those who ordered, organised and perpetrated last year's violence.’ More than 400 people were killed in fighting between ethnic Uzbeks and Kyrgyz in the Osh and Jalal-Abad regions of Kyrgyzstan in June 2010, while an estimated 375,000 were displaced from their homes. Most victims were ethnic Uzbeks.

Pray: for thorough investigations into the bloodshed, workable resolutions to ethnic conflict, and healing for the emotionally and spiritually wounded. (Ps.103:6)


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