Laos: Military kill four Christian women

Written by Super User 18 May 2011

Alarming religious freedom abuses contine in Laos. Believers are routinely expelled, forced to relocate, pressured to renounce their faith and arrested. Several Christians were recently attacked and killed in Xiengkhouang Province. Last month troops caught a group of Christians belonging to the Hmong community, an ethnic minority and confiscated their Bibles, they shot and killed four of the women after repeatedly raping two of them. Their husbands and children were beaten, tied up and forced to witness the gruesome killings. At last report,the whereabouts of the surviving believers is unknown. The absence of free press and lack of information infrastructure in this Communist state prevents news from reaching the outside world - including that of religious freedom. This incident and other recent reports indicate a disturbing increase of repression facing Christians in the country.

Pray: protection for Protestant Christians and the Hmong Christians particularly who are as a threat to Comunisim. (Heb.10:35,36)


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