Libya: Refugees need help

Written by Super User 02 Mar 2011

Tripoli Bishop Giovanni Martinelli needs help for refugees sheltering in his church. ‘We are worried for hundreds of Eritreans stranded here - no one cares for their evacuation. Italy is trying to take fifty four, such a small number. Conflict is keeping people away from Church services but the building is filled with Eritreans wanting to leave the country. Last week Martinelli entered into contact with the Red Crescent and other Muslim organizations appealing for protection of the churches, convents and sisters working in the hospitals. Thousands of refugees on Libya’s borders need tents food water and emergency supplies to avoid a humanitarian disaster. France sent heavy-lifting planes and a ship to create a land and sea bridge to ferry 5,000 Egyptian refugees home from the Tunisian border and is also seeking ways to send tents and emergency supplies to vulnerable people who have not yet left Libya.

 Pray: that the 80,000 Christians in Libya will be Gods hands, feet and voice in every situation, and equipped by Gods spirit in all they do. (Hab.1:5)


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