Libya: War shrinks Christian communities

Written by Super User 29 Apr 2011

Tripoli's Roman Catholic bishop focuses on keeping Moammar Gaddafi’s men and anti-government rebels out of his church since most of his congregation has fled Libya's violence. After a recent Mass several Muslim women, all Gaddafi supporters, followed Bishop Giovanni Martinelli into the vestry tearfully demanding he call the Vatican asking the pope to halt NATO airstrikes. Some of his parishioners, especially African migrant workers, are using St. Francis Church as a sanctuary because they dread going into the streets where they are harassed by Gaddafi's security forces. The war has battered and scattered Christian African migrant labourers, Filipino health care workers, and European expatriates living in Tripoli. Missionary activity is not allowed, though clergy say the regime has respected Christians's freedom of worship.

Pray: for the Christian communities to be in a place of hope and faith, used by God to minister in love to their neighbours. (1Th.5:21-22)


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