Maldives: Fears of religious liberty crackdown

Written by Super User 09 Nov 2011

Police in the Maldives deported Shijo Kokkattu, an Indian teacher, for having a Bible in his house – confirming fears that repressive religious laws are being enforced in the island nation. He was detained for a fortnight, charged with preaching Christianity, then sent home after a police raid on his house. There had been hopes that religious restrictions introduced under the former dictator would not be enforced under President Mohamed Nasheed who is considered to be a progressive Muslim. But new regulations were published in the Government's gazette last month signalling a renewed commitment to enforce legal bans on the 'propagation, display and expression' of any religion other than Islam. Violation of the Act is punishable by imprisonment of up to five years, banishment or house arrest. Foreigners found to be proselytising are to be deported.

Pray: that the Maldivian authorities will yield to calls by World Evangelical Alliance, Compass Direct and others for greater religious freedom. (Ps.74:18-19)



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