Mali: Lawlessness and persecution

Written by Super User 01 Sep 2012

‘I ask Algerian authorities to find a solution to save my life.’ Was the video plea sent this week to the Algerian government by a hostage in North Mali. He was identified as an employee of the Algerian consulate in Mali's northern city of Gao. See: Last week Jihadists cut off the hand of a thief in accordance with the new Islamic law in Mali. See: Persecution Watch reported the strict sharia law is victimising Christians, women and other vulnerable groups. A Christian leader who fled from northern Mali said, ‘all the Christians have left Timbuktu because of the Sharia law and the presence of people linked with Al-Qaeda.’

Pray: for God to pour out his mercy on the countless villages, cities and towns in Northern Mali living in fear; pray also for His intervention in the different power dynamics, affiliations, ideologies and motivations that are rising in Mali. (Ps.56:3)


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