Mexico: Catholic Church fans flames of gay rights row

Written by Super User 07 Sep 2010

A row between Catholic Church leaders and Mexico City's mayor over gay rights has embroiled the Supreme Court. ‘Would any of you want to be adopted by a couple of lesbians or queers?’ said the Archbishop of Guadalajara at a recent news conference where he reacted to Supreme Court ruling granting equal rights to same-sex couples, including the right to adopt, was constitutional. The Cardinal’s next comments fanned the flames of the quarrel further when he alleged that Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard had bribed the Supreme Court judges to hand down a ruling that supported gay rights. Mr Ebrard is now sueing Cardinal Sandoval Iniguez for defamation. A Church spokesman urged Mexican voters to punish the mayor's party at the next election. The dispute has taken further twists and turns, drawn in other players and is closely followed by the Mexican media. At its heart is tension between the Roman Catholic Church and the secular state.

Pray: that God’s truth will rid Mexico of its endemic corruption through the church’s grace filled message of truth, love and peace. (Ps.45:2)


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