Mexico: Seeking divine intervention

Written by Super User 12 Apr 2011

In Mexico's historically violent border region faith leaders from both sides of the US-Mexico border are launching a joint prayer and fasting initiative this month seeking divine intervention to resolve drug cartel trafficking and violence plaguing the region. The Cinco de Mayo Initiative is spearheaded by Mark Gonzalez, founder of the Hispanic Prayer Network. Beginning April 15th participants will be convening for 21 days in Dallas, Texas, and Mexico City and at the border for prayer. The initiative comes in response to a prophetic directive given by Cindy Jacobs, president and co-founder of Generals International, a missionary organisation devoted to training in prayer and spiritual warfare.

Pray: that united prayer, fasting and intercession will cause a Holy Spirit fire to grow and spread across the region long after the initial 21 days of warfare. (Jn.17:23)

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