Myanmar: Human rights inquiry

Written by Super User 09 Oct 2010

The momentum behind a push to investigate Burma's (Myanmar’s) crimes against humanity is growing. Ten governments are now calling for the UN to set up a commission of inquiry over the junta regime's alleged use of rape as a weapon of war, forced recruitment of child soldiers, forced labour, torture and more. As more on these allegations came to light, Canada, France, the Netherlands and New Zealand added their support since the United States backed the move in August.They join Australia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and the United Kingdom. Mission agencies in the country report an open campaign targeting the Arakan, Chin and the Karen, many of whom are Christians. (See Prayer Alert 3110) Vision Beyond Borders' Wes Flint said in an earlier interview, ‘The Burmese army is not bashful about ‘their goal ‘ to exterminate the Karen people, to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Pray: the world would no longer ignore the suffering in Burma, and for God to release the country into physical and spiritual freedom (2Sa.22:7)


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