Nigeria: Help needed to fight militants

Written by Super User 08 May 2012

Chad's leader has called for the urgent creation of a regional force to tackle Nigerian Boko Haram militants. The Islamist group operates in northern Nigeria, but President Idriss Deby said it was posing a threat to its neighbours around Lake Chad. ‘Our basin is exposed to insecurity because of the permanent threat posed by Boko Haram,’ he said. Nigeria has been struggling to contain attacks by the militants who want to impose Islamic law in the country. Barnabas Fund reported Tuesday that around 300 Christians have been killed in one diocese in the past three weeks. Last Sunday 3 church services in Northern Nigeria were targeted leaving 27 dead. See:

Pray: for the creation of a joint African deterrence force to protect the Christian community in Nigeria. (Ps.17:8-9)


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