USA: Governor calls for prayer for the miles of destruction

Written by Super User 23 May 2013

Residents of Moore are trying to recover and clean up as the Governor asked America to pray for Oklahoma. While people were at work and children in school a 20 mile long 1¼ miles wide tornado hit Moore on the outskirts of Oklahoma City. A resident said, ‘It's like a bomb dropped on Moore. I just praise God my daughter is safe.’ A fire fighter among the first responders to the crisis said that the devastation was unimaginable. ‘You could tell the people who lost everything. They have that look- like they aren't all there. They just walk around in a daze.’ Neighbourhoods are unrecognizable.’ Rescuers braved the danger of electrocution and fire from downed power lines and ruptured natural gas lines. President Obama has declared a major disaster. See: 51people were killed, including 20 children. Some of the most heartbreaking stories have involved children, with the town's two schools taking a direct hit

Pray: for families of the deceased, and for the thousands who have been affected by homes, schools, businesses and medical centres being destroyed. (Ps.20:1a)



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