USA: Ferguson protests organised by ‘Hands Up United’

Written by Super User 30 Aug 2014

Protests over Michael Brown’s shooting travelled to St Louis on Tuesday as demonstrators pressed for reforms to local and federal laws They were organised under the banner of Hands Up United,  who on their website state ‘We are striving for a world where we deal with harm in our communities through healing, love, and kinship. This means an end to state sponsored violence, including the excessive use of force by law enforcement.  We are committed to an America that comes to terms with the trauma of its painful history and finds true reconciliation for it. Mass incarceration and the criminalisation of black and brown people must for-ever end, leaving in its place a culture that embraces our histories and stories. This means an end to racial bias and white supremacy in all its forms. Our dreams are directly linked with those resisting militarism, war, and state repression around the world. We will achieve this new beloved community hand in hand, step by step, in global solidarity with all people committed to lasting peace and full justice.’

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  • Pray: for the ethos of this movement to grow and succeed wherever there is fear in communities and neighbourhoods (such as Ferguson, Missouri). (Job 37:23)