Nigeria: Historic election outcome

Written by Admin 2 02 Apr 2015
Nigeria: Historic election outcome

Incumbent Goodluck Jonathan phoned former military leader Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday to concede defeat in Nigeria's presidential elections, he then followed the phone call with a written statement to his countrymen. Jonathan’s speedy action and words have hopefully prevented violent protests breaking out after calls for calm from the two main candidates and a warning by the United States and Britain against political interference amid earlier claims of vote-rigging and voter intimidation. ‘I promised the country free and fair elections. I have kept my word,’ Mr Jonathan said. A spokesman for Gen Buhari's All Progressives Congress party said, ‘Mr Jonathan will remain a hero for this move. The tension will go down dramatically.’ After a close election there will be many who are unhappy with this outcome but ‘democracy is deepening in Nigeria’ even though the poll has revealed dangerous religious and regional differences - violence still threatens.  Further reactions and prayer guidelines available on

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  • Pray: for calm celebrations without supporters attacking opponents, so that Nigeria’s deepening democracy may be a tonic to other countries in Africa. Pray for God to move the heart of and speak through Mr Buhari (2Ch.36:22)