Yemen is the Arab world's poorest country. Life for Christians in Yemen is very hard. All Christians there are from a Muslim background and it is forbidden for Muslims to convert to Christianity. Yemen's constitution provides for religious freedom but it's a farce. Christians are routinely harassed and face daily persecution. It is impossible for any Christian in Yemen to own a Bible. This latest crisis involving Saudi Arabia and Iran will make it worse for Yemeni Christians caught between the ideologies of Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia, (supported by ten countries). Neither allow the free expression of Christian faith. The Saudis have started bombing Iranian-backed rebels in Yemen. The tension between the two countries has been in the making for years. The leading Sunni power, and the leading Shia power are facing each other for influence in the Middle East and now that proxy fight is playing out in the desert sands of Yemen.
Yemen: Christians suffering while Muslims fight
Written by Admin 2 02 Apr 2015
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- Pray: for the simple Yemeni citizens who don’t want Islamic agendas to influence their country. Pray for God to protect and strengthen the secret believers who are standing in the gap in prayer for their nation. (Pr.16:7)
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