Australian Christian Lobby Managing Director Lyle Shelton has joined with 38 leaders of Christian and other religious groups in signing a letter to the Prime Minister urging him and the parliament to uphold the true meaning of marriage. Mr Shelton said that such a demonstration of support from Australia's faith communities for man-woman marriage and the rights of children it protects was a welcome development in what has been largely a one-sided debate. ‘It is so important our nation does not sleep-walk into a legislative change to the definition of marriage without considering the consequences,’ Mr Shelton said. The letter was signed by Catholic and Anglican archbishops and 36 heads of many other denominations.
Australia: Faith leaders write to PM on marriage
Written by Admin 2 11 Jun 2015
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- Pray: that Prime Minister Tony Abbott will resist pressure to allow same sex marriage, and for Australia to uphold marriage as the mutual love of a man and a woman. (Lev.18:22)
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