Sudan: A prayer request

Written by Admin 2 18 Jun 2015
Sudan: A prayer request

Christians in Sudan request our prayers for Michael Yat (49) and Peter Yen Reith (36), two South Sudanese pastors on trial in Khartoum who had their latest hearing on 15 June. According to their lawyer, prosecutors failed to produce any new evidence, as officials from Sudan's National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) repeated statements they had made earlier in the trial. The lawyer was also able to present his defence to the court. The next hearing was scheduled for Thursday 18 June. They were detained in Khartoum by the NISS on 14 December and 11 January respectively, charged with a range of criminal offences including crimes against the state which are punishable by death, a life sentence or lesser detention and confiscation of property.

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