In many areas of life, we are challenged to balance speed and accuracy - for example medical researchers searching for the quickest path to a cure with the fewest side effects. When it comes to Bible translation, speed and meaningful accuracy are fundamental principles that undergird the work. Translators have an incredible sense of urgency to ensure that all people can access the gospel message, and take very seriously the spiritual responsibility to ensure that each new translation accurately relays the Scripture’s full meaning and spirit of the gospel. Please pray for all those engaged in the balancing act of delivering the Bible in a new language as quickly as possible while ensuring that the accuracy of God’s Word is captured. Technology has allowed translators to make huge leaps forward in accelerating the process. Pray for all who develop cutting-edge software that not only safeguards Bible translation, but also provides immediate access to collaboration tools of historical, archaeological, and linguistic value.
Bible translation into every language
Written by Linda Digby 13 Nov 2015
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- Pray: for all who are working on Bibles for unreached people groups. Pray for the end-time harvest of millions who will read and hear of God’s love for the first time in their own language. (Mt.24:14)
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