An alert from the Integrated Food Classification (IPC) states that in some areas of South Sudan the situation has reached ‘catastrophic’ and ‘emergency’ levels. Over a third of the population are experiencing severe levels of hunger, and many are eating wild foods and drinking unsafe water to survive. In Unity State, one of the three areas worst affected, Christian Aid is supplying fast-maturing vegetable seeds, fishing nets and water purification tablets. To prevent the spread of disease, they are also distributing hygiene kits which include soap, sanitary products, jerry cans for transporting and storing water, and mosquito nets. Unless the response can be scaled up, livelihoods and lives will be lost. Further catastrophe can be averted. Christian Aid and other NGOs urgently need more funding to respond to this humanitarian crisis.
South Sudan: urgent support needed
Written by David Fletcher 29 Jan 2016
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- Pray: for God to help all those working to bring dignity and well-being to the people, and those supporting the Church in its historic and important role in speaking truth in power and preaching messages of peace. (Ps.18:16,17)
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