For fourteen years North Korea has been the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian. Believers face arrest, torture, imprisonment and death for daring to think there is a higher authority than Kim Jong-un. Many follow Jesus in secret. Parents don't even tell their children about their faith, for fear they will be revealed. Thousands of Christians are trapped in horrific labour camps, prison camps, and isolated closed villages. Most will stay there until they die. Despite the risks North Koreans are still choosing to follow Christ. A social stratification system called 'Songbun', similar to the Indian caste system, divides people into three classes: the loyal, the wavering and the hostile. These are further divided into 51 subclasses. Christians are part of the 'hostile' class, with Protestant Christians being number 37 and Catholic Christians number 39. Food and basics are often scarce, so pray for protection for those who smuggle food, medicine and Christian material into the country.
North Korea
Written by David Fletcher 29 Jan 2016
Additional Info
- Pray: for comfort and strength for those facing daily horrors of labour camps, for secret believers protection and wisdom for them to know who to trust. Pray for successful Christian radio broadcasts. (Rev.2:10b, 11)
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