Pakistan: 'shaming' of Christians in school books

Written by David Fletcher 15 Apr 2016
Pakistan: 'shaming' of Christians in school books

Textbooks in Pakistan’schools have become more antagonistic to Christians. A new report says, ‘The trend towards a more biased curriculum against religious minorities is accelerating. These grossly generalised and stereotypical portrayals of religious minority communities signal that they are untrustworthy, religiously inferior, ideo slogically scheming, and intolerant.’ The report, released on 12 April in Washington, is sponsored by the Commission on International Religious Freedom, an advisory body to the US Congress and state department. By law, the commission’s assessments of religious freedom in other countries are required to figure in American diplomatic relations around the globe. The report says that school textbooks represent the political perspectives and national ideologies of whole educational and government systems. As such, they are one of the most important indicators of official and popular perspectives of the cultural and political communities they depict, both in words and images.

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  • Pray: for madrasah teachers, schoolteachers, and mosque imams to review their attitudes and change their views. Pray for an end to aggressive intolerance of other religions in textbooks. (Ps.63:11)